CEF of Mississippi, Inc
Children's Ministry
Good News Club®
Weekly After-school Good News Clubs are on the increase. This past school year, 64 clubs were held in schools throughout Mississippi with 2,295 children enrolled. Most of these clubs are adopted by local Churches who want to reach the children and families in their area. To do this we help recruit and train a team to teach the clubs. Good News Clubs are also held in a variety of other locations including Boys and Girls Clubs, day cares, homes, apartment complexes and just about anywhere that children can safely gather. The program is Bible centered with a Bible lesson, Bible verse, songs, contests and review games. Training and materials are available to help you reach the children in your community with the hope of Jesus Christ, please contact us for more information.
5 – Day Club®
Summer clubs for children, teaching the Gospel message in backyards, daycares, parks, recreational centers, and many other locations. This is a fun and interactive one-hour program in which children will clearly hear the message of salvation. Training and materials are available for you to host a club or a trained summer missionary team can teach the club.
Military Children Ministry®
Military life can be difficult for all involved. These children need people in their lives to anchor them in Jesus, the Rock of Ages.
A Good News Club is held in a home or school in the military neighborhood that is safe for a child to go to in time of trouble. It brings the teaching of biblical morality to this neighborhood.
Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) is a program designed to train you and a team of other young people in effective and engaging ways to teach children about God. You will attend an eight-day camp where you will learn to present the Gospel clearly on a child’s level, counsel a child for salvation and lead a dynamic club ministry for kids which will include teaching a Bible lesson, a real-life missionary story and a Bible verse as well as leading songs, games and a fun review time.
Willing Steward Ministries, LLC
website: http://willingsteward.com/
Creative Designs Website LLC www.creativedesignswebsite.com
Christian Services, Inc
Moms in Prayer - Mississippi
Infecting Change Productions, LLC (ICP)

To request more information:
Contact the State Office
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
You can also request more information with this form: